Forward 2015

A few years back, we did a website migration and, unfortunately, the original forward page was lost. Not only did that happen, the original language was nowhere to be found in my personal archives. Which means that Rich’s forward has been lost in time, forever 🙁

Join Paul’s “Under the Hair” Inner Circle

Crank your skills up to 11!

First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH for purchasing the
“Infusionsoft Cookbook”! Your support means a lot, but more importantly, I’m elated you’ve taken an important step towards making your business more efficient and profitable.

If you want more tips, tricks and philosophy on marketing, sales, workflow and other related topics, you really should join my “Under the Hair” newsletter!

Join my inner circle and once a month or so you’ll get an email from me dripping with something useful, actionable and valuable (if I do my job right).

I’d love your name and email so when the next one goes out, you’ll be one of the first to know.

Get "Under The Hair", the official email newsletter for the Infusionsoft Cookbook!
I hate spam as much as you do. You have my word that I'll respect your inbox and time 🙂
P.S I've also created a little bit of electronic music over the years (plus a music video!) If you are into that sort of sound

See you at the inbox,
Paul Sokol