Infusionsoft Cookbook – Chapter 1.3 – Connecting Your Facebook and Twitter Accounts

Infusionsoft can leverage your Facebook & Twitter account in the following two ways:

➡ First, you can post an e-mail broadcast, landing page, or web form out to your account

➡ Second, you can point a Social snippet inside an e-mail to your account and build your social network

Connecting your Facebook & Twitter account to your user profile ensures you can maximize the social functions within the program.

By Paul Sokol

Paul Sokol has been using Keap since it was called Infusionsoft back in 2008. He even worked for Infusionsoft directly for five years: first as a Success Coach (launching over 200 new customers on the software) and then as a Product Manager. This book is a potent distillation of automation fundamentals that Paul has discovered through his tens of thousands of hours of in-the-trenches implementation.