Infusionsoft Cookbook – Chapter 2.1 – Creating Custom Fields

At its core, Infusionsoft is a CRM (short for Customer Relationship Management) system. In other words, it is a database of humans that contains information about their interactions with a business. In this database, there are common pieces of information that all businesses would need to know about an individual: first/last name, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and so on. There are even more interesting pieces of data as well, such as the person’s birthday or their spouse’s name. However, there are pieces of data a business might need to collect that don’t exist out of the box. Take a dog trainer for example. They might want to store a dog’s name on the dog owner’s contact record. This recipe will show you how to create a custom data field on a contact record. A custom field can be merged into a communication or a task, submitted on a form, used as a search/report filter, and used to route automation logic.

By Paul Sokol

Paul Sokol has been using Keap since it was called Infusionsoft back in 2008. He even worked for Infusionsoft directly for five years: first as a Success Coach (launching over 200 new customers on the software) and then as a Product Manager. This book is a potent distillation of automation fundamentals that Paul has discovered through his tens of thousands of hours of in-the-trenches implementation.